Smart Fit is the leading gym chain in the segment in Latin America and the 4th largest in the world. In 2022, it had around 1,225 units in Brazil and 14 other countries in the region, as well as more than 3.7 million registered customers.

Challenge: Smart Fit ‘s Digital Products team invited us to develop a proprietary illustration style, redesign the Bell mascot in the new style and create a modular illustration library that could be manipulated. The style would be implemented in the brand’s internal and digital communication.

Solution: After an initial sharing of visual references and delving into the client’s brief, we began the proprietary style exploration stage with a few options. After a few rounds of feedback, we arrived at an original style of easy modularity and scalability for a system that could be explored and evolved over time. This illustration system has been integrated into Smart Fit’s brand manual.

Client: Smart Fit
Creative Director: Rufus Studio
Illustration: Bruno Dias and Guilherme Aranega
Product Manager: Diego Coradassi (Smart Fit)
Digital Channels Manager: Rafael Ujimori (Smart Fit)
Product Designer: Vinícius Vasconcelos (Smart Fit)
Year: 2022
Visual exploration

Some visual paths were presented, considering: character concept, guidelines for finishing shapes, lines and combining the color palette. After validating one of the proposed paths, we developed the style to create the complete library of illustrations, as well as the Bell mascot.

Mascot Bell

Bell was previously a 3D mascot inspired by the gym kettlebell and has been redesigned in the proprietary illustration style with new poses and expressions. The proposal is for the mascot to be used on gym totem poles, marketing materials, website, app, social networks and newsletter, as well as the possibility of using it as a Chatbot with integrated artificial intelligence to serve customers via chat and WhatsApp.



In Training

End of training





Character Library

To explore the characters (students, teachers and staff), we have developed a library of illustrations that values diversity, in the following variations: gender, biotype (body), hair, height, facial expressions, clothes and poses.



Facial Expressions – Students



Unit Leader

Personal Trainer


Facial Expressions – Employees

Actions and Objectives

After registering for the Black or Smart plan, the student can set up their training according to their main objective at the time.

Food – Nutrition

Payment method

Calendar – Scheduling

Hypertrophy Objective

Fitness Objective

Weight Loss Goal


The backdrops, finished in a reduced color palette of yellow or grey, work for composing scenes with the characters. We work in 7 different fitness-related scenarios, including indoor and outdoor.


The illustrations are used to identify the recommended equipment for each workout and which muscle group is being worked.


Extension chair


Crucifix – Machine


Hack Machine




Bench Press – Straight Dumbbell


The devices are used for tutorials and marketing campaigns.

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