Unico, Brazil’s first and largest IDTech company, offers digital identity technology solutions for individuals and companies.

Challenge: Produce 2 animated films and illustrated assets for Unico’s 1st B2C campaign: Once Upon a Time Privacy.

Solution: We used playful visual language inspired by classic characters and stories from children’s literature to represent common situations that put people’s personal data privacy and digital identity at risk.

Advertising: Pay TV and Internet.

Client: Unico IDTech
Creative direction: Rufus Studio
Animation: Fluido Filmes
Sound and music production: Arcade Audio
Copywriter (Single): Caio Brandão
Executive Producer (Unico): Emilia Abel
Creative Director (Unico): Fábio Lemos
Year: 2022

Illustrated cards from the animated movie hero

Vignette | Privacy at Christmas

Illustrated Christmas vignette cards

Landing Page

The illustrations from the film were also used to make up the campaign’s landing page: eraumavezprivacidade.com.br

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