
Creditas is the country’s leading online platform for secured loans. Although it works in partnership with some financial institutions, it is not a bank. It offers three main products to make Brazilians’ achievements possible: loan with property as collateral, secured car loans and private payroll loans.

Challenge: Develop a proprietary iconography style and icon library on demand for use on the website, app and corporate communications.

Solution: In partnership with Creditas’ product design and branding team, we came up with an iconographic style that speaks to the brand, taking into account the continuous line in the “C” of the company logo. This characteristic was also brought to the proprietary style of iconography.

Client: Creditas
Creative Director: Rufus Studio
Icon Design: Bruno Dias
Project Manager: Guilherme Aranega
Product Designer: Gabe Attilio (Creditas)
Year: 2019

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